Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2011 New Year's Resolutions

My second crack at New Year’s Resolutions as last year was my first time with formal resolutions.

1. Goal: Get Skinny

Strategy: Read up on the aggressive plan. So far… it’s going OK. I’ll update at least once a month on my progress.

Measure: Achieve goal by Wedding Date! My goal weight is 115lbs & 18% Body Fat, with a stretch goal of 105-110 lbs & 15% Body Fat.

2. Goal: Develop a Personal Financial Plan

Strategy: Identify an optimal way to save for short term, mid-term and long-term. Right now, we’re pretty good at short- and long-term. It’s that middle where we have major opportunity.

Measure: Establish Financial Plan and review progress every 6 months.

3. Goal: Create at least One New Business Plan

Strategy: Fully engage in “Social Entrepreneurship”, the Degree Enhancement Program course I’m taking at Kellogg. Apply it to writing a business model that creates both social and economic value.

Measure: One completed business plan (even with financials!) by end of 2011.

4. Goal: Get Promoted

Strategy: Keep rockin’ on at work, growing the business with new distribution and new product innovation in 2011.
Measure: Promotion hopefully Q1 of 2011.

5. Goal: Double Allie LLC Gross Revenue

Strategy: Enlist network of connections to find potential clients (brides), Attend Bridal Expo, Finish Website.

Measure: Two times the client base compared to 2010.

6. Goal: Get Married & Host the greatest party ever!

Strategy: Hopefully this is easy… the big vendors are booked. Now it’s just minding the wedding details and keeping Ernie happy by being the best fiancé ever!

Measure: Married on November 5, 2011

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